Anji County adhere to the green lead to promote the high-quality development of traditional chair industry

In furniture manufacturing industry is represented by the green household map of jixian first big pillar industry, leading industry, furniture with its ultra low added value of ten thousand yuan of 0.1 tons of standard coal ultra low energy consumption, on average, 23% of industrial value added rate, become the veritable yield green industry, the production efficiency, spatial agglomeration, green low carbon resources recycling industry chain construction is continuously strengthening, Highlighting the effectiveness of green and high-quality development.

Anji county, over the years, always adhere to the practice of "green water castle peak is the jinshan yinshan" concept, to achieve green development model, the model student, led by green development, in-depth implementation of green manufacturing engineering, continue to promote traditional chairs industry transformation and upgrading of greening, and walked out of a high, complete industrial chain and industry status and economic contribution, the sustainable development ability of green development new way, Is speeding up the sprint "thousand" target (100 billion output value, 10 billion profits and taxes). At present, there are 209 enterprises on the rules of chair industry in the county, including 56 sales enterprises of more than 100 million yuan, and 2 listed companies on the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange. In 2019, the whole industry achieved an output value of 40.5 billion yuan, of which 19.04 billion yuan was exported to 190 countries and regions. It was successfully awarded as the National Demonstration base of New industrial industry, the pilot of regional brand construction of national industrial cluster, and the second batch of pilot of traditional manufacturing sub-industries in the province. The level of green manufacturing in the whole industry has been constantly improved. There are 3 state-level green factories, and the coverage rate of green factories in regulated enterprises reaches more than 90%. There are 31 clean production enterprises.

Since the beginning of this year, under the double impact of COVID-19 and sino-US trade conflict, anji county's traditional chair industry has still achieved a rise against the trend. From January to June, the industrial added value on the regulation reached 2.72 billion yuan, up 2.0% year-on-year, including a year-on-year growth of 10.4% in the second quarter. Industrial electricity consumption has maintained an average growth rate of more than 25% for three consecutive months; At present, there are sufficient orders from enterprises, most of which have been scheduled until the end of November. The whole industry is continuing to carry out the "luminous competition", and seize production at full capacity.


We will strengthen "green leadership" and stimulate new vitality of traditional industries

With green development as the goal, traditional manufacturing industry has been given new meaning and new fashion.

We will vigorously develop a green manufacturing system. Based on the actual industrial structure of Anji, it will promote the green and sustainable development of traditional chair industry enterprises, as the main industrial front of high-quality development of industrial economy, with the goal of "green, clean, low carbon and recycling", through "demonstration, leading and reverse force" and other means, Accelerate the county chair industry enterprises to improve green product design, green production technology, intelligent manufacturing, resource consumption, pollution prevention and control, quality management, safety and other all-round green manufacturing production level. At present, it has established a standardized green evaluation system of modern industrial manufacturing and the declaration process of independent declaration by enterprises, joint examination by county-level departments, on-site inspection and online publicity. At present, the industry rules on the enterprise has all kinds of green factories 188, this year from January to June, the county chair industry enterprises to complete the green factory file rise star 14, including three star green enterprises 9, four star green enterprises 5. Actively create national-level green projects: Botai Furniture and other enterprises applied to create five-star green factories, Anji Economic Development Zone applied to create national-level green parks, and Yongyi Furniture Co., Ltd. established the second batch of green design demonstration enterprises for industrial products.

We will step up policy guidance in green manufacturing. "Green household industry design assignment, provincial special subsidy funds, improve the capacity, the transform and upgrade traditional industry divisions provincial pilot special subsidy funds" special cultivation policy, perfecting the green development incentives, the national green factory reward 500000 yuan, for the first time through the green product certification industrial companies reward 200000 yuan, Each more than a green product certification award 20,000 yuan, to obtain cleaner production enterprises reward 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Continue to set up a special fund of 10 million yuan chair industry, support the chair industry to take the road of green development, the chair industry equipment investment, information transformation, common key technology research and other aspects of subsidies. In the past three years, the county finance has accumulated more than 100 million yuan of award and subsidy funds for chair industry enterprises.

We will strengthen public services for green industrial development. Continue to build a service platform, in June this year, set up the province's first Zhejiang green certification Alliance county center, to create the national green product certification "pilot area". In July, together with the Green Manufacturing Alliance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Green Development Summit of Counties in the Yangtze River Delta was held in 2020, and the green development initiative was released. Accelerate the construction of Anji Chair Art innovation service complex, build a national chair industry testing center and a provincial chair industry technology innovation service platform, provide green product design, patent agency, inspection and testing, project declaration, human market and other "one-stop" services.

Adhere to the problem oriented, focus on design assignment, perseverance to carry out green design services, green innovation ability as the goal, to improve the whole industry sponsored by the county department of letter, for six consecutive years global design personnel to carry out the design contest chair industry, creative design for anji chair industry inject vitality, promote the industry green design level. In 2019, the third "Anji Chair Industry Cup" International Chair Design Grand Prix was successfully held, and more than 2,400 pieces of works were received from more than 300 well-known universities at home and abroad, including Harvard University and Tsinghua University, as well as more than 100 enterprises, design companies and independent designers. The fourth "Anji Chair Industry Cup" International Chair Design Grand Prix will be launched in the second half of 2020. Through the design competition, strong design innovation atmosphere, enhance the enterprise product design awareness and design level, Anji chair industry product design has won Germany IF design Award, Red Dot award and other international and domestic design awards.


We will promote smart green manufacturing and improve the internal strength of industrial upgrading

We will vigorously promote the "machine replacement" campaign. Promote the traditional chair industry to carry out the "machine replacement" action, focusing on automatic glue spraying, automatic drilling and other key links and processes that restrict the production efficiency of traditional enterprises, promote the application of enterprise intelligent equipment. At present, the county economic and information Bureau is entrusting a third party to yongyi, Zhongyuan and other 50 chair industry enterprises to carry out intelligent technology transformation diagnosis, guide enterprises to carry out intelligent transformation. At the same time, it is planned to select a number of key demonstration projects of "machine replacement" in the green home industry and focus on supporting them. 2020 county "machine replacement" project award support financial budget funds of more than 20 million yuan, up to now, a total of 34 traditional chair industry "machine replacement" projects, a total of 1.26 billion yuan of investment, the total purchase of industrial robots 684 sets (sets), can replace more than 3000 people.

We will vigorously promote green and concentrated development of industries. In anji Economic Development Zone, a 24.9-square-kilometer chair industrial park has been set up to promote industrial agglomeration and accelerate the coordinated development of chair industry agglomeration and industrial chain agglomeration. We will build a cluster of smart warehouses. In view of the large volume of goods in the traditional chair industry, concentrated shipment and other situations, focusing on intelligent warehousing, the development of special incentive policies to encourage, so far there have been 5 enterprises to implement the construction of intelligent warehousing, among which Henglin Shares, child care home has built a total capacity of 260,000 cubic meters of intelligent warehouse. Zhongyuan Household has invested 100 million yuan to build the "Black lamp warehouse" with a height of 35 meters and an area of 6,000 square meters. Through the design and development in cooperation with The University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, the whole process of unmanned operation can be realized with the application of manipulator, stacker and other equipment, and the storage capacity has been increased by more than 4 times. The second phase of the child care furniture project, which has been completed and put into operation, realizes unmanned handling of goods through handling robots and bond transmission, and improves the delivery efficiency of enterprises by 50%. At the same time, automatic packaging machines and Cefla water-based paint painting equipment will be added this year, and the labor productivity of all employees is expected to increase by more than 30%.

We will vigorously promote the integration of modernization, modernization, and modernization. Continuously promote the application of "Internet +" and "big data +" in the traditional chair industry, expand the application of integrated information solutions such as ERP, APC, MES and DCS. In 2019, 16 key projects of integration of "Two" have been accepted, among which 2 enterprises, Henglin and Yongyi, have successfully passed the standard identification of "two" integration management system. Anji county has achieved "three years and three leaps" in the integrated development level of "two" and entered the first echelon of the province for the first time.


Create "green brand", create a new pattern of product competition

Guide brand creation. Around the construction of "Made in Zhejiang" brand cultivation pilot county, formulated and issued "Implementation Opinions on promoting" Made in Zhejiang "brand construction" and "Three-year action Plan for Promoting" Made in Zhejiang "brand construction". Implement the cultivation measures, establish the gradient promotion mechanism of "Made in Zhejiang" brand construction, guide the chair industry enterprises from low-end OEM to independent brand creation, from price competition to brand competition. Up to now, Anji county has a total of zhejiang export famous brand products 26, well-known trademark title 6, Zhejiang province famous trademark 14, 4 chair industry enterprises 5 products to obtain the national first batch of green product certification. To vigorously develop the domestic market, led by the government, "Anji Chair Industry" has successively named beijing-Shanghai line, Beijing-Nanning, Guangzhou-Chaoshan and other popular high-speed railway lines, creating the country's first high-speed railway promotion with the goal of industrial manufacturing cluster brand promotion, and realizing the full coverage of "Anji Chair Industry" high-speed railway from south to north.

Boosting cross-border mergers and acquisitions. In the face of increasing uncertainties in the global situation, service enterprises carry out global layout based on their own reality and acquire well-known enterprises in the industry. Henglin Group purchased 100% equity of FFLHoldingAG with 438 million YUAN to obtain its ListaOffice brand, accelerate the company's international layout of production, research and development, and market, and improve the company's overall market competitiveness and brand influence.

Support standard setting. Strengthen the awareness of enterprise standards, support leading enterprises in the chair industry to participate in the formulation and revision of national standards and industrial standards, enhance the voice and dominance of enterprises in the industry, improve product competitiveness. Up to now, the chair industry enterprises in Anji county have more than 260 effective invention patents, 22 industrial standards and 19 national standards.

